- 小赛-推荐电音舞曲The_Chainsmokers_-_# 269123
- Dvj诺曼尼Electro House - 林肯公园电音拉锯版Numb and Chainsmokers.mp3 266550
- HYTD djam - 强悍新单,本色潮嗨The Chainsmokers - Kanye 264197
- HYTD djam - The Chainsmokers - Kanye 2 264151
- hytd djam - The Chainsmokers - Kanye 3 264146
- HYTD djam - 新混热单,苏荷中场The Chainsmokers ft. Different & Good - SELFIE# 257996
- HYTD djam - The Chainsmokers - #Selfie 255114
- Dj雨轩-[No.5Club]苏荷实用Dutch House128bpm Chainsmokers vs Botnek - Selfie 248658
- DjX威 [2014]The Chainsmokers - Kanye (feat. SirenXX) 246130
- HYTD 灿烂阳光_The Chainsmokers feat. Siren - Kanye 244086
- HYTD djam - 本色实战,主场热旋The Chainsmokers - #SELFIE 239208
- DjSimayil .=嗨版慢摇The Chainsmokers feat. sirenXX - KANYE 239000
- HYTD djam - 独家资源推荐 The Chainsmokers - Selfie 238251
- 阿宇-霸电 Like Drum(The Chainsmokers mix) 236990
- 璇音雅阁 - [No.5Club] 私混电子精品推荐The Chainsmokers - Selfie 236350
- 泪俊-2014【9月推荐】The Chainsmokers Selfie女说MelbourneElectro 234114
- HYTD djam - The Chainsmokers vs. NoizBasses & David S - Selfie 227541
- Dj妮儿丶[2014]欧美第一站 性感女说超炫磁喇叭版 The Chainsmokers - selfie 225526
- 【老曲新版】Garmiani & Cash Cash - Nomad Take Me Home (The Chainsmokers Mashup) 225468
- @香奈尔 - [No.5 Club]爆棚榜单 实用弹跳The Chainsmokers M Martini Alexx Slam - Sel#fie 224292
- HYTD 冉阿 - 经典女说,热女另版The Chainsmokers - #Selfie 223887
- 喜M收藏 - 【私货】Anthem Kingz - The Chainsmokers - Selfie 221942
- @香奈尔 - [No.5 Club]$1.99开场即秒 收费作品Tove Lo_Habits _The Chainsmokers Remix 218340
- DjX威 [2014]Beatport站收费资源$1.99 The Chainsmokers - #selfie 218151
- Dj亚当—【2014.8月】The Chainsmokers vs. Calvin Harris - Selfie (Leonov&Wellski Mash - Up ) 213446
- Dj妮儿丶[2014]The Chainsmokers feat. Siren - Kanye (Radio Edit) 208966
- 憾音电鼓团队冉阿 - 新年主打气氛The Chainsmokers 205815
- [0901丨SuKai]妖魅Dutch爆单The Chainsmokers - Selfie 204820
- The Chainsmokers - Selfie Dj_Original Mix 155538
- The Chainsmokers - Selfie Dj_DjDm Bootleg-Melbourne 155120
- The Chainsmokers - Selfie Dj_Dnv Bootleg-Melbourne 155119
- Rave Radio Vs The Chainsmokers - Selfie Dj_Jari Bootleg 154917
- The Chainsmokers - Selfie Dj_Empr Mix-女Electro 154883
- The Chainsmokers - Selfie Dj_Ivbo Bootleg-Electro 154882
- The Chainsmokers - Selfie Dj_DjIvru Mix-女说 153358
- The Chainsmokers - Selfie (Pumping Bootleg) 82415
- The Chainsmokers - #Selfie (Shelco Garcia & Teen 82069
- The Chainsmokers - #Selfie (Shelco Garcia & Teen 82068
- The Chainsmokers - (DNF & Vnalogic Remix) 81979
- Rave Radio vs The Chainsmokers vs DNF Vnalogc 81955
- 潮牌女说唱榜单The Chainsmokers - Selfie 81938
- 纽约DJ组合 The Chainsmokers·Selfie-DNF Vnal 77349